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Tips on how to teach a toddler to ride a tricycle

Teaching a toddler to ride a tricycle is an exciting and rewarding milestone for both parents and little ones, as it marks a new chapter of childhood development. Many parents wonder when the right time is to introduce their toddler to a tricycle and how to guide them through the learning process. In this article, we’ll explore the essential factors to consider when teaching your toddler to ride a trike, plus helpful tips to ensure the experience is both enjoyable and safe.

When should a toddler start riding a tricycle?

Keep in mind that every child develops at a different rate, so readiness will vary depending on the child. The American Academy of Pediatrics says most children are ready to ride a standard tricycle by the age of 3. However, tricycles with multiple modes that grow with your child, like the Liki Trike, can be introduced as early as their first birthday. Liki Trike is the perfect first birthday present, as its 5 modes of use will support motor skill development as they grow. In order to properly assess whether it’s time for your toddler to begin riding a trike, consider the following factors. 


Before introducing a tricycle to your toddler, make sure they’re able to sit upright in the seat on their own. Additionally, it’s important that your toddler has developed a certain level of physical coordination and balance. They should be able to walk steadily with confidence and run without stumbling. These foundational motor skills are essential for making the transition to riding a trike both safe and comfortable for your little one. 

Interest in riding

Is your toddler showing interest in riding a tricycle? You want them to feel confident and excited when introducing something new. If they don’t show interest in the trike or seem afraid to try it, they may not be ready.

Preparing to ride

Set your little one up for success by choosing the right size trike and dressing them appropriately when preparing to ride.

Choose the right tricycle

Choosing the right trike for your child is essential, whether it’s a tricycle that is perfectly sized for their age, or one designed to grow with them. In fact, there are many trikes on the market that support different phases of development. These trikes often come with a parent-control push bar that allows toddlers to gradually work their way up to independent riding. For a standard trike, your child should be able to sit comfortably in the seat with their feet flat on the ground, enabling them to stop and start with ease. For trikes that grow with your child, touching the ground isn’t necessary, as these models typically feature adjustable recline positions and pedals to accommodate their growing legs. 

Another consideration to keep in mind is storage in your home. Look for trikes that are compact or have folding mechanisms to make using your trike as easy as possible. Liki Trike is the world’s most compact folding trike, with a small-fold mechanism that folds and unfolds at the click of a button. It even fits in the airplane overhead bin, making travel with a toddler more comfortable and fun!

What to wear

Teach your little one the importance of safety by ensuring they wear a helmet. The Liki Helmet is designed to provide safety and protection, not only for learning to ride with the Liki Trike, but also for the next size of bicycle until the age of 4. We also recommend wearing sneakers or closed-toed shoes to protect their feet while learning how to pedal.

Tips for teaching a toddler to ride a tricycle

Introducing your toddler to a tricycle for the first time might involve some trial and error. Here are some simple tips to help your little one learn to ride their first trike with ease.  

Start with a push bar

If the trike you chose has a push bar or parent control bar, this is a great place to start! A push bar or parent control connects to the trike and allows the parent to push and navigate the trike. It is designed to help you guide and support your child during their first rides until they gain the confidence to steer on their own. 

Teach them how to steer and pedal

Take your toddler to an open and smooth space outside to teach them how to steer and pedal. Encourage gentle steering as they practice both turning and riding in a straight line. Using a trike with adjustable features will make the learning process easy and engaging. Liki’s dual-steering system makes it an ideal baby stroller alternative, seamlessly transforming to support your child as they grow. 

One of the most important parts of teaching your toddler how to ride a trike is teaching them how to pedal with confidence. Give them a demonstration on how it’s done by rotating the wheels with your hands — seeing it for themselves will help them better understand how it works. With a standard tricycle, it may be best to pedal your child’s feet in your hands first to get them practicing the motion. You can skip this step if you’re using a tricycle with an adjustable pedaling system, as this built-in support already accommodates each step of the learning process. With Liki Trike’s versatile features, you can easily switch from footrests to pedals to match your child’s growth. To learn more about all of the unique features Liki has to offer, check out our article, things you might not know about Liki Trike.

Positive reinforcement

Confidence is one of the most important factors when learning how to ride a tricycle. Let your toddler know they’re doing a great job, even if it takes them a few tries at first. This encourages them to keep going until they feel comfortable and confident on their trike. 

Are tricycles good for toddlers?

Yes! Tricycles are not only fun for toddlers, but riding them offers a range of developmental benefits that impact their physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. These benefits include building strong muscles, fostering balance and coordination skills, encouraging self-confidence and independence, and so much more. For more information on how riding a tricycle can contribute to your child’s early development, check out our article on the benefits of tricycles for toddlers!

At Doona, we want to help you make parenting simple, from pregnancy, to their first ride and beyond. That’s why we’ve created the best car seat stroller combo, the Doona Car Seat and Stroller which transforms from a car seat to a stroller in the click of a button; and Liki Trike — the most compact folding toddler trike on the market that grows alongside toddlers with five modes of use.

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